Hang on, hang on... I know what you're thinking ladies...its not like that ok?..hehe. I am still in my springkleening mode and again, I stumbled upon this newspaper cutting (The Sun, UK, Sunday March 9, 1997). Please do read what John Kelly wrote above, of a survey by Dr Syeda-Masooda Mukhtar of women bosses. It would be really interesting if a similar survey is done here with Malaysian Women Bosses! haha. This was more than 10 years ago. Perhaps today's generation of lady bosses may be totally different (I hope). But seriously ladies, please read and tell me if at all, the findings describe you or your managerial style (evil wink) or that the author's findings were totally preposterous! hahaha. Salam Maal Hijrah to all my muslim visitors...
its not true la boss...lol
That's a splendid pic on your blog banner bro. The one with no hair shines the most!
hehe thnz ard. beyb: convince me its not true (evil wink). how come when i ask 10 females, 8 says they prefer a male over female as their boz! howzat? almost 70% of undergrads are females....can you imagine who will be bosses ceos, MDs in the next 10-15 years? i pity the boyz LOL. i hope ther will be no repeat of indecent proposals (michael douglas/demi moore ole movie) hehehe
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