i think 5 days (mon-fri) in kuantan is bloody long enuf, don't u think so? time to head back to KL. hmm KL home sweet home. It would be faster to just use the new kuantan highway but i decided to use the segamat highway instead, go thru muadzam shah, keratong, bahau, kuala pilah, seremban and then stop over at PD to visit my mum. After a damn gud 'babat' (typically javanese..hehe) dish..we head back to KL. Phew, what a relief...everything in the house was as in..cuak jugak...u know lar wif the global financial meltdown and increasing crime rate and all..who wud not be worried rite? Although my RM50,000 house theft insurance is still in force...but the heartsick and mess and the psychological after-effects of a burglary can be very disturbing for quite a long time u know! some don't recover all, move house and start anew. ok folks catch up later later leh..nid to shave off my head...its grown fairly quickly after 5 days of great food..hahaha
The picture with the Shell Refinery background is NOT a fractioning tower. A fractionation tower in another technical term is also called a "column". Its main purpose is to separate and stream the heated hydrocarbons into light and heavy stuffs, hence the term "fraction".
The picture shown is a STACK where flue gases, the exhaust of burners from furnaces and boilers are being discharged into the atmosphere at a reasonably safe height before being dissipated harmlessly into the air.
hahaha tenkiuk for the detailed technical definition and explanation. my younger brother bob, is refinery shutdown expert. juz before the olympics in australia, he was there to shut down the refinery...hahaha. saje je bagi nama tuh..i do know the difference between the tower u describe and what fractionating columns do ok? don't forget i was a pure science student before too ok? hehe before moving into the grey areas of economics, marketing, law and trickery...hahaha
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