my good fren, Zaidon, the resident manager (partly hidden) briefing or was it debriefing(?) a group of young Tailor's college students in hotel catering, doing their practical at bubu longbeach resort...
wow...a hammock..this is the life...the diving local boys asked me to try it..hehe. I have decided to do this as often as I can when I retire...hahaha no more sadistic board meetings.hahaha. Tired of ***shit corporate life. Especially in an environment where money talks & ***shit walks...heheh so I heard some young professionals tell me. There may be some grain of truth you know? hehe...but then again...hmmm I do get bored easily...hahahahaha...
Last night Don, blanja me this awesome sotong (giant squid hehe) lightly barbecued, half-cooked. OMG! you must try it. Potato jackets and all and superb salad....and knowlah what it should go down your throat with...hehe. I leave that to you exquisit gastronomic guess..hehe. Adios, sayonara was a great 3 days and 2 nights revoir...thanks fellas Don, Salim (the chef) and all the cheerful friendly people that made our stay memorable.. we will be back, I promise you...haha
hey there,
i'm going to Pulau Redang next month for my team building trip (right after my ICSA exams..hehehehe). Thank gawd Tan Sri approved my proposal.. i hope it will be as good as perhentian kecil.. will be staying at Coral Redang..
I've stayed at sutera beach resort at merang.. i lurrrrrvvveee the beach..sigh.. wishing that my office is at the beach..
hi, thnz for visiting. redang iz a bit too commercialised they say. I dunno, haven't been 2 Redang meself!(erm not Reading ok). Best of luck in yr ICSA exams. Yeah, d beach at sutera resort is ok. they all are actually, except for pantai cinta berahi...what with the silting and erosion...heheh. can i be yr backup facilitator for yr teambuilding? hihi. Been quite a while actually. My last asignment was at hulu langat...releasing the participants at 2am in the morning for that 'being with yourself' walking alone in the jungle, while we watch from a distance. unforgettable memories...hahaha.
hey Mr Khae! Remember me? Christina from bubu..been reading your post..i enjoy reading it... Great to know you! come again to Bubu. Its our pleasure to have you in Bubu as our guest and friend. By the way, my college is Taylor college not Tailor college. I tak jahit baju...hahahaa
hi christina! of course i remember u. thnz for reading my blog. did u tell zaidon abt his clandestine meeting at the garden that i posted on my blog? hahaha. i deliberately wrote tailor instead of did catch yr attention rite? yes, i definitely will be back...very soon i would imagine...hehe.
aww darling,
too bad all the teambuilding programmes written on the itinerary was just a cover up of the free & easy activities that we will be having there..shhh!! tell no one k! ;p
How much you made me reminisce my bachelor's day in perhentian. I remembered the time when me and the gang pushed the concrete mixer into the water just becoz we were so high on the Long Beach. Though I don't drink, but the sober just long gone when you mixed with kind of Jack Ass friends from every parts of the planet congregating on one of the best beach (and parties) in the world (okay! my remarks might be lopsided since I've never been to other beaches, sorry to say, but my homefront is stil the best compared to other places like Bali, Tarutao, Koh Adang, Koh Phi Phi, Perth, Koh Samui, Black Sea, Red Sea, hei! that's quite handful, heheh)
Where can you get the most exotic food at such a cheap price but in Perhentian. Sorry Christina, I still favor the food at Palm Tree 1 or 2 belong to Kamal. The surroundings is much more pleasant and international yet modest.
The last time I went there is even before there was jetty infront of Bubu (or Moonlight?).
How much I can brag about waiting for any off Friday or Monday just to get extra day off to Perhentian. 3 days break in Perhentian is like a month off from the office. No bath once you landed on the beach, the same time like you Boss!!. Getting there is adventure on its own. Leaving Karak Toll right at midnight and reach Kuala Besut before the first fast boat leaving from KB jetty. As I said no bath once you reach the island is understatement. I could not imagine not taking bath but snorkelling from day to dawn (with skinny dipping, huiyoh!) for 3 days. How much the marine life are affected by our hygiene. let mind the gwailohs, I think they did not take their shower longer than us...
Anyway, I'm lepaking at Mamak Restaurant in Puchong with free wifi, now. Speed 6.0 Mbps and excellent signal strength. Up to now, spent 3 glass of variety tea from teh tarik, teh ais to ice lemon tea. Cost me around RM4.20. What is it compared to Starbucks Frap Caramel. Kedekut guy like me sure looks cheaps when sipping the whipping cream instead of the coffee just to let it finish slowly.
Okay Boss, gotta to go. Quality time with my kids now. Cheerios. TNT
amboi? sekali komen panjangiler bro..haha...what other 'memories' that i trigger u? hmmm jeng3x. thnz for yr comments bro, I am glad my humble travelog touches yr heart & yr memories again..heh
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