Cars, Bikes & Trucks Section of The New Sunday Times today, carried a report of our MRC inaugural CEO Breakfast Talk by Jason Moseley, chief operating officer (COO), THATCHAM, UK (http://www.thatcham.org/) and soft launch of our inaugural Malaysian Claims Monitor, a report meant for our Malaysian Motor/General Insurance CEOs. Thank you bro Yamin Vong for sending your chap to cover the event at JW Marriott KL last thursday... It is Bank Holiday in the UK tomorrow (Monday) and since it is also a school holiday for the next 2 weeks...hmm perhaps I should also take a holiday and visit Pedra Branca? O ya, menyentuh topik itu, saya ingin menasihati pembaca yang memberi komentar tentang blogpost saya kemaren, bahawa saya hanya akan menyiarkan komentar mereka yang punyai identitas yg tidak mencurigai. Saya juga hanya akan meladeni komentar yang tidak berunsur hasutan atau confrontative yang mana bisa mengusutkan lagi keadaan atau yang boleh mengganggu hubungan baik antara negara-negara jiran...hehe
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