Wednesday, November 14, 2007

of SIRIM, st james park, cut rolls royce, covent gardens & indian food...hahaha

The first foto was taken at the base of eiffel tower with the new CEO of SIRIM, Dr Yahya also an old fren. We met when I was in PNB during meetings (about 10 years ago) where SIRIM and PNB had a common chairman...heheh. Dr Yahya (he was quick to alert me that he is not a Datuk yet...hahaha when I introduced hime to the JPJ taiko on my right hahaha). Dr Yahya succeeds Datuk Dr Ariffin Aton (hmmm also an old fren) whom I knew when he was a dashing (still is very much dashing even though retired now hahaha) young engineer at the ESSO Refinery at Port Dickson. No one in PD could miss him as he was the only guy driving a metallic grey Ford Cortina. In those days...hmmm its one class above the S350 series by today's standards..hahahaha.

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