Institute of Marketing Malaysia (IMM) official publication...

my article just published in the IMM newsletter issue 2/2008...
I must tell you what happened awhile ago when I was on my way to pick up extra copies of the above journal. I realised that I had not been on the ground to feel or to emphatize the real feelings of malaysians on the ground in their homes these days...and how frightened, scared, worried and xenophopic they have become too. Yes, OMG, where have i been? Just now i was with an old colleague in his jallopy (sowee Goh hahaha) proton wira (looking like a getaway or like the ones used by robbers...or worst, like the car that hijacked Canny Ong remember?hahaha). No wonder people at section 14 PJ wasn't too friendly or too eager to give a helping hand. I just wanted to know where Jalan 14/37D is...and 2 people we met (in front of their homes...thot we were robbers...hahaha...with me and my steven covey look hahaha well more like kojak actually...hahaha). one politely and softly said...sowee lar incek aaa...gua pon balu pintah sinie woo...wa tatau lar...sowee aah grinning with a sheepishly worried look hahaha. the next guy on the next road was even more interesting. the minute he saw us coming to his gate (he was at the gate at the time mind u..) he quickly went inside the house...hahaha
ok ok...lets move on to something much more appetising...heheh. my gud ole fren kheng siang...ya ya the same ole golden age buddy i was with above, took me to this cool new joint at subang jaya in front of sheraton subang beside SJMC...yummy gud food, gud ole kampong kuih coming out all hot and fried JIT..hehe...where cud one find such unbelievable prices during ths 'high fuel price' times huh?... we had tehtarik, kueh kasui (my favourite javanese kue), cucuk udang...welll more like cucuk carrot...hahaha and cikodok...yes...the same ones your mum makes for you when u were a kid, remember? and det costs us only RM6.60...can u beat that? and what else u get? the view uish..owww...awesome maaaan...u have to be there to experience it yourselves..hahaha

there you are? the crowd flow is impressive. cool crowd, very cosmopolitan, very the uptodate oso leh...from tudungs to 'jeansyangnampaktabungs'...hahahaha suma adaa jugak (wink)
u must try it.... ok folks enjoy the rest of the weekend. I blogged this post as soon as I got home..hehe and do, please do checkitout. no, i am not competing with
maria sabree of the jom makan TV3 fame and no, i am not getting any commission from
bawang merah and neither am i a
shareholder or a
sleeping partner...hahahahaha
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