Friday, January 02, 2009

...of gulf, gaza, clash of civilisations, young facebookers and generation Y..hehe

2nd day of the new year. The biltz on the Gaza strip, reminds me of the Gulf War of the early 90s. I was sending (oh well, 'accompanying' a better word perhaps hehe) my wife to pursue her MA in publishing at Loughborough University of Technology then. That conflict made airlines re-route their usual flight path. On my way back I was on an American Airline that made a stopover at Belgrade (before the breakup of Yugoslavia) for 8 hours! Relatively cheap travel at the time, it costs me only about RM1600. Then I remembered reading the Far Eastern Economic Review, FEER (at the time) and there was this naughty anecdote making fun of the then prime minister of Thailand (Chartichai I think his name was...4th generation thai chinese). The joke it seemed was: a group of journalist were having a press conference after a meeting with the then British PM (now lady) Margaret Thatcher. One of the journalists asked Chartichai: Premier Chartichai, "what do you think of the gulf crisis?" and his response: "Ya ya ya...we will be praying golf with Margaret this afternoon" hahahaha. I dunno how true that was, but I know I read that from the FEER at that time.
The latest and most recent issues of the Economist are spewed with interesting reports and articles which I suggest you read here for a tribute to Samuel Huntington, the famous intellectual nobody misses to quote often, especially at conferences in the early part of the 21st century (The Clash of Civilisations..if you have not read the book..hehe), and here if you want to manage your old-school chappies with your young facebookers talents (hehe) and here if you want to know about the generation Y that's going to join the workspace...hehehe. I want to say TGIF but I thought I read somewhere that that is no longer fashionable (evil wink). It's now TGIM! (for THANK GAWD ITS MONDAY!) usual, have fun folks...and thank you for dropping by...

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