Sunday, March 30, 2008

felda perdana ballroom, jaipur, BSC dome anyone?...

Been down with an unknown new flu strain I was told by my GP. Trying to recover as fast as I can. Had my 3rd and last dose of medicine from a nebulizer at the clinic today. Yes it does sound like I am having some kind of chest congestion. You will get them you know, when you are at my age...hahaha. No, we really don't have a history of asthma in the family. My late dad had it, just a mild one before he died, well he died of other complications, like a weak heart and other infections I guess, at the age of 76. I think. You don't wanna hear about all this sob stories or of the condition of my health but these are the very reasons I have not been blogging heheh. Despite all that I was at Bee's (adik sabariah my schoolmate masa kat PD dulu) daughter's wedding reception at (as usual lah) FeldaPerdana Balllroom. Need I describe in detail again? naaah! But, it was great and I don't think I would do justice to Bee if I didn't record here on my blog that it was such a wondeful wedding reception. Started slightly later because of the rain, the usual friday jams in KL...and to top it up...folks from PD and Seremban could not use the smart tunnel as it was temporarily closed. The simple elegant ceremony that ended just before 10 30 pm. Well done Bee, your speech was brief but the messages you sent out was awesome! It was humorous, straight from the gut (like Jack Welch) siap dengan pantun about Paklah and the new government ( I wonder what gave you the could be politically incorrect and suicidal you know? hahaha). Anyway, you have started a new trend now in thank you speeches at wedding ceremonies! Move over dads, just pay the bills, let mama do the thank you speeches! hahaha. Well done there Bee!

We also managed to attend another wedding reception and bandar tun hussein today at lunchtime. Sory folks, no boring wedding pictures from now on...cos the great photoshop shots would have already been taken and uploaded at friendsters! hahaha.

I had a good breakfast session with an old fren who used to be HR director of Shelll and Golden Hope. His last job before reitirement was HR Director of the largest banking group in Malaysia, Maybank. I then had a second breakfast meeting at BSC Dome. During those sessions, much was discussed and exchanged, but I guess some are too controversial for me to record here....we will see if all that I have heard will be in the mainstream media or from other new media (hehe) if you know what I mean. Enjoy the rest of the weekend folks!

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