1. too much focus on Kelantan, orang lain pun ndak jugak! jadi orang menyampah;
2. they have come to a stage where their downlines were arrogant;
3. the melinggam case is real, even the layman understand, although no conclusive deductions have been made, people reacted; ..." and a few other a bit sensitive which I prefer not to quote him at this point in time...hahaha.
Thats the tsunami bit, the shashimi bit? Hmmm didn't the pix above whet your appetite? (LOL). That was buffet lunch at sheraton towers singapore. Great buffet they got there! Damn good dessert spread too! Value for money! and yes, you can have a damn good nasi lemak still in singapore for 2 dollars! ( burgernomic comparison ok? please don't convert lah!). I wuz on a day trip recently. Drove down to JB, then went through the awesome process normal folks/citizens/commoners/commuters do daily and O my gawd! what a humbling experience. I tell you fellas, these are the people, those who walk, queue, take turns, board buses, MRTs, topup their prepaid cards, they will be the ones who will be very likely to survive, should war break out ( go see the panic stricken citizens in wil smith's movie 'I am legend' hehe). Great re-education for me as I approach my retirement hahaha. A far cry from the usual arrogant & obnoxious business class, premium airlines, and bloody pampered travel arrangements one has been accustomed to, while under the illusion of priviledge and 'borrowed power' heheh. I look forward to other pre-retirement re-education programs (plenty I should think). Care to join me in those adventures, oh well, escapades are more like it? ...hahahaha
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