Today, Sunday, February 15th, I like to jot down a bit about me if you don't mind? As I approach my mandatory retirement (which I do look forward very much hehe) I begin to look and review alot of things, where am I, what have I achieved in corporate as well as in personal terms. Always mindful of the fact that 50% of our personality is because of our job or the position we hold. Once that is gone, you'd be lucky if you still get 50% of the emails, sms or mms on your Blackberry Bold hehehe. Its very flattering to get invited to deliver keynote addresses. These days when I get an invitation to present papers at conferences where they charge humongus rates to participants and I probably just get a thumbdrive, a selangor pewter frame or a leather travel wallet, I would politely say thank you but would rather just be a panelist or chair the day's conference (evil wink). I must be getting old and lazy huh? haha. Having said that, you can see below that I would still be quite busy reading, researching and preparing or at least be comfortable with some background material before I stand out there in front some really furious participants (yes occasionally they are you know? huhu) waiting to draw their smokings guns to shoot down the sheriff (chairman lar...hahaha). The list, here goes:
1. Trends, Developments and Updates in Retail Financial Services (24-25 March, 2009 Prince Hotel Kuala lumpur, Chairman and Panelist on Day 2)
2. Best Practise & Tools in Managing Food Safety Conference (21-22 April, 2009, Istana Hotel, KL, Chairman for both days)
3. Corporate Tax Planning, Transfer Pricing and Compliance: Planning approaches in challenging times and in shifting operating environment, (11-12 May 2009, Grand Park Plaza Hotel Singapore, Chairman and panelist)
4. Commercial Contract Law China, 25-26 May, Beijing, China, Chairman and paper)
Of course, I should not be perceived as arrogant or ungrateful. Afterall, these invitations have done much to boost my esteem and extended my claw of network. Made me read alot more stuff for if not I would otherwise then be burning my precious time away at starbucks or coffee bean or blabber away profusely over tehtarik at nathija maju kelana jaya hahaha...thank you for the invitation anitha, nadra, sherry... ok folks? enjoy the remaining part of this rather warm sunday dot dot dot
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