Wednesday, January 16, 2008

...passionately dispassionate

I said in my earlier post that I will summarise the fraud conference. Just one word: excellent! Well done ISM & ACFE Malaysia Chapter. A good start for the year for the insurance and takaful industry. Nothing that most delegates do not already know, but the new information, updates, statistics was illuminating and errm quite scary too...hahaha. Well, all of us at some point in time, in our jobs, do have to deal with paradoxes don't we?!
Which reminds me of the HBO movie (Avengers -starring my favourite old man actor Sam Elliot). The CIA operative asked his boss: what? you are asking me to to eliminate a patriot, who has a series of congressional medals for his services in Vietnam and elsewhere only to protect a war criminal and his atrocities during the serbia-hezergovina troubles? The CIA chief responded: our job is not without its paradoxes, and in some other outfit...what I have just asked you to termed...outsourcing!
Thats the movie script...hahaha which brings me to our local papers headlines today! Upon reading all of them this morning I can't help but to come out with this observation: listen to this...doctors and lawyers I think have a common duty. To save a life, one from dying and one from being put in jail for life or from being sent to the electric chair, right? That I suppose, is the profesional ethics bit...but hang on, it seems to me that what I have read this morning...seems to give me a different impression....let's see if this makes sense to you... a doctor recently appears on the front page and say: Yes...I am the one, the actor in the DVD; then, a lawyer in the front page today says: hmmm it looks like me and sounds like me...hahaha.
If you go by the maxim that honesty is the best policy or if public admission is a highly rated virtue of integrity and transparency of the highest level...I dunno man!....I am not sure now what integrity, transparency, corporate social responsibility, whistle-blowing and the rest of the mouthful of other near humbug fashionable terms really mean. You tell me the meantime, I shall remain passionately dispassionate...hahaha

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